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Timeline: Complications Prior to Birth of a Child

For the Birth Mother

This timeline shows the types of paid leaves a mother can use if she has complications prior to the birth of a child. This example shows a mother with the buy-up option for short-term disability, and with accrued legacy sick time. Please note:

  • You can only use one type of leave at a time.
  • You need to have accrued time in your bank to use PTO or legacy sick time
  • If you are not enrolled in the buy-up option for short-term disability, you must exhaust your legacy sick accrual balance before you can begin short-term disability.
  • Parental Leave cannot be used before the birth of a child.



Duration of parental leave and short-term disability:

  • Vanderbilt's parental leave policy provides up to eight weeks of paid leave to the eligible parent serving as the primary caregiver following the birth or adoption of a child.
  • In the timeline above, the four weeks of short-term disability prior to the birth of the child are for demonstrative purposes only. A mother may qualify for short-term disability earlier or later than this example shows.