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Remote Policy for Staff



Vanderbilt University attracts and fosters a highly engaged and diverse workforce. Our dedication to excellence and innovation drives university work arrangements, ensuring the delivery of outstanding services to our students, faculty, and staff. The Remote Work Policy reflects our commitment to creating an environment for continued productivity, improvement, and excellence, while prioritizing business needs. The policy allows for flexible scheduling and work arrangements in alignment with the evolving needs of the university. 



Business or work units are responsible for determining if positions are eligible to be remote based on their operational and business needs. The frequency of required on-campus work for a particular position will be decided by the appropriate departmental leader in consultation with HR as needed. New position descriptions should identify whether a position is eligible to be remote. 

When evaluating a position’s remote work eligibility, appropriate departmental leaders should consider specific position requirements, needs of the team and whether the job duties can be performed optimally while working off-campus. 

Expectations for timely completion of work, meeting attendance, responsiveness and other performance criteria are the same for remote and on-campus staff members. Business or work unit leaders are expected to apply the same performance standards to staff members regardless of work location. 

If a position is determined to be eligible, before granting approval, the appropriate departmental leader should next evaluate if a staff member can complete their job functions through a remote work schedule. The appropriate departmental leader should consult with HR if more than one staff member holds the same position but not all staff members have been determined to be eligible for remote work. 

When evaluating a staff member’s remote work eligibility, business or work units should consider any existing performance concerns and whether the staff member can optimally perform the job duties of the position while working off campus. Additionally, business or work units must ensure that any proposed off-campus work arrangements are consistent with applicable regulations and policies. 

Unless explicitly agreed to in writing, a remote work staff member’s terms and conditions of employment are the same as those of on-campus staff, including required compliance with all university policies and applicable federal and state laws while working off campus. 

Regardless of remote work arrangements, staff members may be required to work from campus at any time at the sole discretion of their manager and managers should discuss such instances (e.g., hands-on training) with the staff member in advance whenever possible. Decisions regarding scheduling and attending meetings in person or virtually should be based on optimizing outcomes and not on personal preferences for remote work.  


All remote work arrangements should be evaluated on an ongoing basis. At minimum, these arrangements should be assessed at six-month intervals to ensure that the individual’s quality of work, efficiency and productivity are not compromised by work location. These assessments should be included as part of the employee’s personnel record. In addition, the employee should continue to receive regular performance evaluations in accordance with business or work unit policies and institutional policy, regardless of work location.   

Remote work arrangements may be changed or ended at the discretion of the appropriate departmental leaders in consultation with HR. Reasonable notice will be provided for any changes. Employees are advised not to base residency decisions solely on the expectation of continuing remote work.


All remote staff members are responsible for having their own designated off-campus workspace. Staff members are responsible for identifying a workspace that is conducive to performing their job duties, which may require a quiet and/or private workspace. Staff members are also responsible for maintaining safe conditions in the workspace, including proper ergonomics, and to practice the same safety habits as those followed on campus. The university assumes no responsibility for injuries that occur as a result of activities that do not arise primarily out of and in the course and scope of employment. Managers should be notified of any workspace injuries immediately and staff must complete the online first report of injury. 

Unless required by law, staff members are typically responsible for costs related to the setup of the designated workspace. Staff members are also responsible for compliance with any tax implications of a remote workspace. 

Consistent with Vanderbilt’s policies and expectations of information security for staff working on campus, staff working off campus will be expected to ensure the protection of university information accessible remotely. 


  • Internet: Internet connectivity is the responsibility of staff members working off campus. Bandwidth requirements may vary depending on job function and assignment. 
  • Standard IT services: IT Services are the responsibility of the university. These services include central management of the laptop or other computer workstation, patching, anti-malware, firewall and host-based security features. Services that require in-person assistance from IT Service Delivery must take place on campus. 
  • Equipment: The university will provide a computer and other necessary equipment required to perform essential job functions. Business or work units are not required to purchase multiple sets of equipment for remote work staff members. 
  • Data security: Staff members are responsible for maintaining the security of data while working off campus. Types of data include, but are not limited to, confidential university information, employee personal information or student information. Staff members should protect such data through appropriate physical and electronic methods, such as the use of locked file cabinets/desks, use of password-protection and other measures appropriate for the job duties and workspace. 

VUIT Policies Related to Remote Work include the Acceptable Use Policy and the Electronic Communications Policy.


Staff members working out of state, including internationally, may be subject to additional wage, employment, reporting and taxation requirements. Business or work units may incur additional costs related to the employment of out-of-state and international staff and must work proactively with HR when considering hiring someone who lives outside of Tennessee or permitting a staff member to move outside of Tennessee and work remotely. Whether to permit a staff member to move outside of Tennessee and work remotely is at the discretion of the appropriate departmental leader in consultation with HR and the Office of General Counsel (as needed); the business or work unit may be responsible for any associated costs, including any costs related to noncompliance with relevant law or regulation.  

Unless otherwise required by law, responsibility for travel costs associated with travel to or from campus (airfare, mileage, lodging, meals) for staff members working out of state will be agreed upon in writing in advance (at the time of hire or at the initiation of a remote work arrangement) between the individual staff member and the business or work unit.  

Business or work units must consult with Employee Immigration Services on issues related to current or prospective international staff members to ensure compliance with all U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Department of State (DOS), and Department of Labor (DOL) regulations.  


This policy applies only to staff from business and work units that participate in remote work arrangements. It does not apply to staff from business or work units that do not participate in remote work arrangements, nor does it apply to union members covered by a collective bargaining agreement. 




Vanderbilt’s current remote work policy is on the HR website.


University Policy Owner: Chief of Staff for People, Culture and Belonging

Division/Department: People, Culture and Belonging

Executive Sponsor (Vice Chancellor): Sydney Savion

Division/Department: People, Culture and Belonging

Roles and Responsibilities

The appropriate departmental leader, in consultation with HR (as needed), will determine staff and position eligibility for remote work. The position manager will work with the staff member to determine the schedule in accordance with any departmental remote work procedures. 

Forms and Tools

People, Culture, and Belonging will create manager resources, including training.

Frequently Asked Questions


Related Information

Vanderbilt’s Hours of Work policy is related to and referenced in this policy.  

Certification Requirements

Staff who qualify for remote work are required to complete an attestation of the business- or work unit-level policy via Oracle. 


This policy was last revised in 2021 when the COVID pandemic had a greater impact on Vanderbilt’s operations.


Any violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action.




Policy vs Procedure

Qualities of a University Policy

University policies describe “why” it is necessary to codify a requirement for employees. They provide the governing framework within which the institution functions. Collectively, university policies steer focus and resources to critical and priority issues, enabling alignment of efforts to achieve the university’s mission. They provide the university community with the “what” is important, “why” the policy is required and “who” is responsible for its execution. University policies may also be created to meet requirements of federal and state laws and regulations or of university priorities or commitments.

University policies must:

  • Follow the agreed-upon University Policy Process;
  • Have a broad application throughout the university or impact core functions of the university;
  • Enhance the university’s mission, mitigate institutional risk and/or promote operational efficiency;
  • Contain governing principles or rules that mandate or constrain action or articulate desired outcomes;
  • Assist in compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
  • Not require frequent change;
  • Have a day-to-day policy owner who is responsible for overseeing the university policy and who may also have responsibility for adopting and/or implementing procedures; and,
  • Be sponsored by at least one vice chancellor.

Procedures are the operational processes necessary to implement university policies. They define the specific instructions necessary to perform the task. They detail:

  • “Who” performs the necessary actions or processes;
  • “What” steps should be taken;
  • “When” steps should be taken;
  • “Where” steps should be taken; and/or,
  • “How” steps should be performed.