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FMLA/TMLA: Complications Prior to Birth of Child

chart showing FMLA for complications prior to birth of a child


The following resources will help you move through the FMLA/Tennessee Maternity Leave Act (TMLA) process for complications prior to birth of a child. If you have questions about the FMLA process, contact your FMLA Coordinator at 343-4125 or email

Step 1: FMLA Request and Receive Eligibility Determination

You may complete the online Medical Leave Request Form to request FMLA for complications due to pregnancy for you or your spouse.

  • If you have already applied for "Birth of Child" you still need to request leave for complications.

Step 2: Complete Medical Certification Form

The FMLA Coordinator will provide this form upon submission of your FMLA request and eligibility determination. This form must be submitted to People Experience.

Step 3: FMLA/TMLA Approval or Denial

The FMLA Coordinator will provide your leave approval letter and additional materials upon completion of steps 1 and 2 above.

  • If you have already applied for "Birth of Child" your FMLA Coordinator will send a revised approval letter that includes both the complications prior to birth and the leave for the birth of your child.

If you are a privileged provider or hold clinical privileges, you must notify Provider Support Services (PSS) of your FMLA approval. Once you receive your approval letter, send an email to with your full name and dates of absence.

Step 4: While on FMLA

Pay While on Leave

Sample Timeline for Paid Leave

Step 5: Returning from FMLA