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Staff Awards

A new accolade for 2024, the Chancellor’s Award for Exemplary Service honors an individual who has met unexpected challenges and opportunities with innovation, persistence and courage that go beyond the outstanding performance of their day-to-day duties, demonstrating the highest dedication to the university’s mission and values.   

2024 Tony Brown Parking Services

Vanderbilt University recognizes staff’s outstanding work and contributions to the university and beyond through its staff awards program. These awards are designed to spotlight the talents, dedication and professionalism that staff bring to their work at the university, and to celebrate the rich diversity of contributions that are foundational to Vanderbilt’s excellence as a center for research and empowering education. 

Depending on the award, an individual and/or team, may be nominated. Please see the specific awards for more information. If multiple individuals want to submit nominations for the same candidate, the selection committee would prefer a single nomination. Nominations can be submitted through the InfoReady platform:

Pedestrian map from 25th Avenue Garage to Langford Auditorium

Pedestrian map from 25th Avenue Garage to Langford Auditorium

Spring Awards

Commodore Award