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Tag: diversity

Type Title, Author, Description Tags
book Making Diversity Work: Seven Steps for Defeating Bias in the Workplace
by Sondra Thiederman

book coverDrawing from research and 25 years of experience in the field, diversity expert Dr. Sondra Thiederman dissects the problems surrounding diversity in the workplace and offers specific, straightforward strategies focused on creating individual change. Using real-life examples, practical tips, and exercises, she guides readers on a journey of self-discovery, intellectual awareness, and healing.

book Building on the Promise of Diversity
by Roosevelt Thomas, Jr.

book coverWhether you let diversity be a drain on your organization or a dynamic contributor to your mission, vision, and strategy is both a choice and a challenge. Building on the Promise of Diversity gives you the insights and skills you need to navigate through simmering tensions - and find creative solutions for achieving cohesiveness, connectedness, and common goals.

book Building a House for Diversity
by Roosevelt Thomas, Jr.

book coverWhat could an elephant and a giraffe teach people about working together? Some very important lessons, it seems, about the complex - and critically important - issues of dealing with diversity in the workforce. "Building a House for Diversity" begins with a short fable about how a friendship between the two animals is threatened when the house built for a tall, skinny giraffe cannot accommodate his invited guest, a broad, bulky elephant. Using this story as a vivid metaphor for the difficult issues inherent in diversity, the book goes on to demonstrate how managing diversity can be seen as a set of skills that anyone can learn and use.

book Beyond Race and Gender: Unleashing the Power of Your Total Work Force
by Roosevelt Thomas, Jr.

book coverThe ability to manage this diversity successfully has become a basic strategy for corporate survival. Beyond Race and Gender supplies a sorely needed Action Plan, extensive case studies, and a series of tough questions and answers to get readers thinking deeply about what elements are blocking the full use of the human talent available.

book THE DIFFERENCE: How the Power of Diversity Creates Better Groups, Firms, Schools, and Societies
by Scott Page

book coverIn this landmark book, Scott Page redefines the way we understand ourselves in relation to one another. The Difference is about how we think in groups - and how our collective wisdom exceeds the sum of its parts. Why can teams of people find better solutions than brilliant individuals working alone? And why are the best group decisions and predictions those that draw upon the very qualities that make each of us unique? The answers lie in diversity - not what we look like outside, but what we look like within, our distinct tools and abilities.

book The Power of Inclusion
by Michael Hyter and Judith Turnock

book coverThe authors' approach - developing talent in all employees and aligning human resource systems and senior leadership commitment with that goal - is a response to a business challenge facing corporate North America today. The patterns of exclusion and preference that limit human potential are universal; this book offers management insights for any corporate audience serious about maximizing productivity in the competitive global economy.

book The New Leaders: Guidelines on Leadership Diversity in America
by Ann Morrison

book coverIn this universally praised work, Ann Morrison, co-author of Breaking The Glass Ceiling, becomes the first to offer companies practical strategies for moving tomorrow's new leaders - white women and people of color - into the executive ranks. Using personal interviews with nearly 200 managers in organizations noted for their model diversity programs, Morrison presents a very definite, step-by-step action plan that will prove invaluable to leaders looking to guide their businesses into the next century.

book CEO's Who Get It: Diversity Leadership from the Heart and Soul
by Mary Francis Winters

book coverThe top 20 leaders profiled in the book recognize diversity as a core human strength and a competitive advantage. From their hearts and values, they express their insightful views on the importance of diversity for their businesses.

book Leading in a Diverse & Conflicted World: Crucial Lessons for the 21st Century
by Dr. John P. Fernandez

book coverIn today's diverse and constantly changing world, excellent leaders are rare. With daily news stories about greedy, selfish, and shortsighted leaders, it seems many of our organizations and societies lack the proper guidance to move forward. Leading in a Diverse & Conflicted World looks at the reasons for this lack of quality leadership and provides solutions that balance our natural, innate desires around leadership with the rapid changes occurring in populations, communications, business models, and employment practices.

book Trailblazers: How Top Business Leaders are Accelerating Results through Inclusion and Diversity
by Redia Anderson and Lenora Billings-Harris

book coverMake diversity your competitive advantage. To reap the full benefits of diversity and inclusion, today's forward thinking companies look past "diversity" training towards a more comprehensive, holistic business approach. These leaders incorporate diversity and inclusion into every aspect of business culture, employee engagement, talent management and market penetration.
