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I-9 at Vanderbilt

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To comply with the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, Vanderbilt is required to verify the identity and employment eligibility of new employees or employees assigned to a covered federal contract.

All employees at Vanderbilt University are required to complete Federal Form I-9 on or before their first day of employment. Completion of the I-9 form is an easy two-step process that involves providing basic, personal information, online through a secure web form and presenting original documents, confirming your identity and employment eligibility, in person to an HR representative to complete the process.  

New Employees: How to Complete an I-9

  • Staff: After accepting an offer of employment you will receive information via email on how to complete your new employee onboarding tasks online. This provides basic personal information that will initiate an email from HireRight, the University’s I-9 and background check vendor, with instructions for completing section 1 of your I-9.  You must complete section 1 of federal form I-9 online prior to your first day of employment.
  • Students: Please complete the online web form by clicking here. Once the form is submitted, you will receive a link from our vendor, HireRight, to complete section 1 online. If you do not receive the link within 2 business days, please contact You must complete section 1 of federal form I-9 online prior to your first day of employment.  
  • Faculty/Post-Doctoral Fellow: The I-9 process will be initiated by Human Resources at the same time as your pre-employment background check through our vendor, HireRight, and you will receive instructions from them via email. You must complete section 1 of federal form I-9 online prior to your first day of employment.

If you do not receive the email, or if you have difficulty accessing the link, please email


Gather documentation that establishes your identity and employment authorization. See a list of acceptable documents.


Due to COVID19, the Human Resources staff are working remotely. In order to complete section 2 of the I-9 process, you will utilize a remote agent of your choosing. This person will verify your employment authorization document on behalf of Vanderbilt University. This should be someone that you trust and that can be physically present with you to complete section 2. After you have completed section 1, you will be asked to provide the name and email address of the person that you have chosen to complete section 2 with you. This can be a family member, friend, roommate, neighbor, etc. We ask that you choose someone that is comfortable with technology and can complete an online form. After completion of Section 1, you will receive detailed instructions from the Vanderbilt Pre-Employment Administrator. 

Section 2 should be completed on or before your first day of employment. You can complete your I-9 any time before your start date, as long as you have accepted an offer of employment. 

If you have any questions, please contact our Pre-Employment Administrator at



If you work remotely or will not be able to complete the I-9 within three days of your date of hire, please contact


