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Tag: setting priorities

Type Title, Author, Description Tags
book Time Management from the Inside Out
by Julie Morgenstern

book coverThis book builds on Morgenstern's Organizing from the Inside Out and enhances her three step program of Analyze, Strategize, Attack. It includes a quick start program with her WADE technique and time mapping tools.

personal development, planning, productivity, setting priorities, time management
book Master Your Workday Now!
by Michael Linenberger

book coverBuilding on his "Workday Now" organizational approach, Linenberger uses Control, Create, Connect to connect or remind us of what personally inspires us in our jobs. He builds on those inspirations to identify vision goals and organizational approaches to meet those goals.

Order through Barnes & Noble (ISBN: 0974930442)

personal development, planning, productivity, setting goals, setting priorities, time management, values, vision
book Getting Things Done
by David Allen

book coverAllen's premise - our productivity is directly proportional to our ability to relax. Only when our minds are clear and our thoughts are organized can we achieve effective results and unleash our creative potential. He provides tips on overall organization, email management, goals and shifting priorities, and overcoming feeling overwhelmed.

Order through Barnes & Noble (ISBN: 0142000281)

emotional intelligence, life/work balance, performance, personal development, planning, productivity, setting goals, setting priorities, time management
book Ready for Anything - 52 Productivity Principles for Getting Things Done
by David Allen

book coverBuilding on his Getting Things Done approach, Allen provides 52 tips on implementing his approach. Each tip is a page or two - very easy to incorporate in a daily or weekly personal development plan to improve efficiency and organization.

Order through Barnes & Noble (ISBN: 0143034544)

performance, planning, productivity, setting goals, setting priorities, time management
book First Things First
by Stephen R. Covey

book coverFar from the traditional "be-more-efficient" time-management book with shortcut techniques, First Things First shows you how to look at your use of time totally differently. Using this book will help you create balance between your personal and professional responsibilities by putting first things first and acting on them. Covey teaches an organizing process that helps you categorize tasks so you focus on what is important, not merely what is urgent.

setting priorities, time management